Sunday, May 30, 2021
Companies Want Law Expert
Saturday, May 29, 2021
How did Mount Everest get its Name?
How did Mount Everest get its Name?
Mount Everest, the world's highest mountain, is locates in the middle of the eastern Himalayan mountain range in Nepal. Its height is 29028 feet which is about 8848 meters.
The story of the naming of Everest is quite interesting. Initially the Nepalese called it Sargamatha and in Tibetan and Mohmugma in Chinese. In 1852, a survey team from the British Government of India collected information about the mountains. Radha Nath Sikandar, a Bengali clerk in the survey, reported the summit to the survey General surgery Everest. Sikandar also discovered the height and exact position of this mountain peak. Sikandar did not find anything but after a long time when the question of naming the peak arose, the peak was named after Sir Everest. Initially Mount Everest was a popular destination. In 1921, a research team left England for the first time to reach this peak and was able to get basic information. In 1922, the challenge of climbing Everest was accepted. After this, several attempts were made to climb Everest but failed. At 11:30 A.M on May 29,1959, New Zealand's Edmund Percival Hillary and a Sherpa Tenzing succeeded in climbing Nork Everest. Eleven brave Everest climbers say that conquering Mount Everest is not an easy task. Scientists believe that the conquest of Mount Everest is slowly increasing.
Friday, May 28, 2021
Get Rid of Boredom
Get Rid of Boredom
Even in the fast paced life man sometimes feels bored. At that time it seems like we should do something that will bring happiness in life again and increase the fun of working or living life. Let's see what we can do to get rid of boredom.
Take a Vacation : Take a short break from work you've been busy with for a long time. Whenever possible you should have all of these components in place for launch to maximize profits. If family members are away from you, spend this holiday with them. Holidays that are full of complexity are neither fun nor comfortable. This will make you feel relaxed and get back to work with full vigor.
Decorate your home and furniture properly : If you are bored after working for several days in a row, put your furniture and wardrobe properly back in any week. The house will be saved and you will feel the change from daily work. Take out the show - case which has not been cleaned for a long time and clean it again and change it a little. Show - case will look good and your work will changed.
Meditation : Meditation helps in gathering. You can work with a more focused mind and keep the mind clam. Be sure to meditation at least two or three times a day.
Go Shopping : This is one of the best ways to reduce stress. Go to the big shopping malls and take a look at all the new projects first. Then buy as needed. you can buy anything for yourself, your home or your family. It will also reduce stress.
Work Out : Get some exercise whenever you are stressed or bored. This will put your energy in the right place. In the summer you can also go for a swim in the swimming pool.
Meet Friends : Meet friends and family you enjoy, or plan a picnic with them to refresh your memories of the past. Occasionally a friend or family member may be invited to your home.
Get enough sleep : Sometimes you stay home to get enough sleep. Make it clear to family that you will not be disturbed. When you wake up you will be completely relaxed and relaxed to start a new day. Go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning and take a short walk in the open park, clean ground. Refreshes the mind and body.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
риХਿридਾримਾਂ римਾри░ੇ рижਿри▓риЪри╕рик ри╕ੱриЪ !
риХਿридਾримਾਂ римਾри░ੇ рижਿри▓риЪри╕рик ри╕ੱриЪ !
ри░ਿриЪри░риб рибੀ. римри░ੀ рииੇ риХਿридਾримਾਂ римਾри░ੇ рикੁри╕ридриХриХਿри╣ਾ ри╣ੈ риХਿ риЧ੍ри░ੰрие ридੇ риХਿридਾримਾਂ риЕриЬਿри╣ੇ риЕризਿриЖрикриХ ри╣рии риЬੋ римਿрииਾਂ рибੰрибੇ риоਾри░ੇ, римਿрииਾਂ ри╕риЦ਼рид, римਿрииਾਂ риХри░ੋриз риЕридੇ римриЧੈри░ рижਾрии ри▓риП ри╕ਾрииੂੰ риЧਿриЖрии рик੍ри░рижਾрии риХри░рижੇ ри╣рии। риЗри╕ ри▓риИ риЖриУ, риЕੱриЬ риХੁриЭ риЕрижринੁрид риХਿридਾримਾਂ рижੀ риЬਾригриХਾри░ੀ рик੍ри░ਾрикрид риХри░ੀриП।
ринਾри░рид риЪ риЫрикੀ ри╣ੋриИ рикੁри╕ридриХ ри╕рин ридੋਂ рикри╣ਿри▓ਾਂ 1557риЪ риЧੋриЖ 'риЪ риоਿри▓ੀ। риЗੱриХ риХ੍ри░ਿри╕਼риЪੀриЕрии риоਿри╕਼риири░ੀ ри╡ри▓ੋਂ риЗри╣ ри░ੋриории ри▓ਿੱрикੀ риЪ ри▓ਿриЦੀ риЧриИ ри╕ੀ। риЗੱриХ рик੍ри░ਾри░риерииਾ рикੁри╕ридриХ риЬੋ риЧ੍ри░ੇрииਾрибਾ, ри╕рикੇрии рижੇ ри╕਼ਾри╣ੀ рикੂриЬਾ риШри░ 'риЪ риЕੱриЬ ри╡ੀ рик੍ри░рипੋриЧ риХੀридੀ риЬਾਂрижੀ ри╣ੈ। риоੁੱриври▓ੇ ридੌри░ ридੇ ри░ਾригੀ риЖриИриЬਾ римੇри▓ਾ рижੀ ри╣ੈ, риЬਿри╕ рижੀ риоੌрид рикੰриЬ ри╕ੌ ри╕ਾри▓ рикри╣ਿри▓ਾਂ ри╣ੋ риЪੁੱриХੀ ри╣ੈ। 'риП ри╣ਿри╕риЯри░ੀ риЖрил ри░ੋрио' рижਾ риЗੱриХ рилри░ੈਂриЪ риЕрииੁри╡ਾриж риХੱриЬри▓ риЕридੇ риХੌрилੀ рижੀ ридри▓риЫриЯри░ри▓ри╡ੀਂ ри╕ਿриЖри╣ੀ 'риЪ риЫਾрикਿриЖ риЧਿриЖ, риХਿриЙਂриХਿ риЗри╕ рижੀ риоੂри▓ рикਾਂрибੂри▓ਿрикੀ риЬੇри▓੍ри╣ 'риЪ риХੱриЬри▓ риЕридੇ риХੌрилੀ рижੀ ридри▓риЫриЯ рииੁੂੰ риоਿри▓ਾ риХੇ римригਾриИ риЧриИ ри╕ਿриЖри╣ੀ рииਾри▓ ри▓ਿриЦੀ риЧриИ ри╕ੀ।
рибੇрииੀриЕри▓ рибੇрилੋ рижੀ ри░ਾримਿੰри╕рии риХ੍ри░ри╕ੋ рииਾриориХ риХਿридਾрим риХриИ рик੍ри░ри╕਼ਾри╕риХਾ ри╡ੱри▓ੋਂ ри╡ਾрикри╕ риХੀридੇ риЬਾриг ридੋ римਾриЕриж риЫрикੀ риЕридੇ риЗੰрииੀ ри╣ри░риории рикਿриЖри░ੀ ри╣ੋриИ риХਿ римੀридੀриЖਂ рижੋ ри╕рижੀриЖਂ ридੋਂ риХриИ ринਾри╕਼ਾри╡ਾਂ 'риЪ риЫрик риХੇ ри╡ਿриХриг ри╡ਾри▓ੀ ри╣ри░риории рикਿриЖри░ੀ рикੁри╕ридриХ римриг риЧриИ। риЖриЧри╕риЯਿрии риеਿриПри░ੀ (1795 - 1856) рииਾਂриЕ рижੇ риЗੱриХ рилри░ਾਂри╕ੀри╕ੀ риЗридਿри╣ਾри╕риХਾри░ рииੇ 20 римри╣ੁрид ри╣ੀ ри╕риириоਾрии рик੍ри░ਾрикрид риЧри░ੰриеਾਂ рииੂੰ риЦੁриж риЕੰрии੍ри╣ੇ ридੇ ри▓риХри╡ੇ рииਾри▓ рикੀрйЬрид ри╣ੋ риЬਾриг ридੋਂ римਾриЕриж ри╡ੀ римਿри╕ридри░ੇ ридੇ рикриП - рикриП ри╣ੀ ри▓ਿриЦри╡ਾриП ри╕рии।
римਾри░ри╕ੀри▓ੋрииਾ, ри╕рикੇрии рижੀ риЗੱриХ ри▓ਾриЗримри░ੇри░ੀ рижੇ рик੍ри░ризਾрии риЬਿриКриЖрии ри╡ਿри╕ੇриЯੇ рииੇ 1830 ридੋਂ 1835 рижри░риоਿриЖрии 9 ри╡ਿриЕриХридੀриЖਂ рижਾ риХридри▓ риХੀридਾ ри╕ੀ, ри╣ри░ ри╡ਾри░ ри╕ਿри░рил਼ риЗੱриХ риХਿридਾрим рииੂੰ риЦੋри╣риг ри▓риИ। ри╕ੰрии 1931 'риЪ риЕੰриЧри░ੇриЬ ри▓ੇриЦриХ ри╕риЯੀрилрии ри╕ਾриЙрие ри╡ੋри▓риб рижੀ ри╡ੇри▓ੀриРриЯриХри▓ੇ рииਾриЕ рижੀ риЗриХ рикੁри╕ридриХ рик੍ри░риХਾри╕਼ਿрид ри╣ੋриИ ри╕ੀ, риЬਿри╕ ри╡ਿੱриЪ 3 ри╕ридੰримри░ 1939 рииੂੰ рижੂриЬੇ ри╡ਿри╕਼ри╡ рипੁੱриз риЫਿрйЬрии рижੀ ринри╡ਿੱриЦримਾригੀ риХੀридੀ риЧриИ ри╕ੀ, риЬੋ риЗриХрижрио риЦри░ੀ риЙридри░ੀ l
ри╕ੰрии 1175 ри╡ਿੱриЪ ри▓ਿриЦੀ риЧриИ 'риЧਾри╕рикри▓ риЖрил ри╣ੈриири░ੀ риж ри▓ਾриЗрии' ри╕ੋриерииੀ ри▓ਾриЗримри░ੇри░ੀ, ри▓ੰрижрии 'риЪ ри░ੱриЦੀ риЧриИ ри╣ੈ। риЬри░риории рикਾрижри░ੀ ри╣ੈри░ੀриории ри╡ри▓ੋ ри▓ੇриЯਿрии ринਾри╢ਾ риЪ ри▓ਿриЦੀ риЧриИ риЗри╕ риХਿридਾрим рижਾ риЖриХਾри░ 14 * 10 риЗੰриЪ рижਾ ри╣ੈ l риЗри╕ 'риЪ ридри╕ри╡ੀри░ਾ ри╕риорид 41 рикрииੇ ри╣рии риЬੋ риХਿ ри╣рииੇри░ੇ риЪ риЪриориХрижੇ ри╣рии l риЗੰрииਾ ри▓риИ ри╡ри░ридੇ риЧриП ри░ੰриЧਾ риЪ ри╕ੋрииੇ- риЪਾਂрижੀ рижੇ рикਾригੀ рииੂੰ риоਿри▓ਾриЗриЖ риЧਿриЖ ри╕ੀ ।
риРੱриЪ. рибੀ. ри╡ੇри▓ри╕ рииੇ ри╕ੰрии 1914 'риЪ риЖрикригੀ рикੁри╕ридриХ 'риж ри╡ри░ри▓риб ри╕ੈриЯ рил੍ри░ੀ ' риЗੱриХ рикри░риоਾригੂ ри╣риеਿриЖри░ਾਂ римਾри░ੇ ри▓ਿриЦਿриЖ ри╕ੀ । риЙри╕ ри╣риеਿриЖри░рижਾ рииਾਂриЕ риЙрии੍ри╣ਾਂ рииੇ рикри░риоਾригੂ римੰрим ри╣ੀ ри░ੱриЦਿриЖ ри╕ੀ, риЬрижੋ риХਿ рикри░риоਾригੂ римੰрим рижੀ риЦੋриЬ риЗри╕ ридੋਂ римਾриЕриж ри╣ੋриИ ри╕ੀ । риЬрикਾрии рижੀ рипਾриоਾримਾридਾ рииਾਂриЕ рижੀ риФри░рид рииਾ ридਾਂ римੋри▓ ри╕риХрижੀ ри╣ੈ ридੇ рииਾ ри╣ੀ риЖрикригੇ ри╣ੱриеਾਂ рикੈри░ਾਂ рииੂੰ ри╣ਿри▓ਾ риЬੁри▓ਾ ри╕риХрижੀ ри╣ੈ । риЗੰрииੀ риЕрикੰриЧридਾ рижੇ римਾри╡риЬੂриж риЙри╕ рииੇ риХੰрикਿриКриЯри░ риЕридੇ риЕੱриЦਾਂ рижੀриЖਂ рикри▓риХਾਂ рииਾри▓ ри▓риЧринриЧ рижੋ ри╕ਾри▓ਾਂ 'риЪ риЗੱриХ риХਿридਾрим ри▓ਿриЦриг 'риЪ ри╕рилри▓ридਾ рик੍ри░ਾрикрид риХੀридੀ ри╣ੈ । рипਾриоਾримਾридਾਂ риЕੱриЦри░ਾਂ рииੂੰ риЖрикригੀриЖਂ рикри▓риХਾ риЭрикриХਾ риХੇ риЪੁриг ри▓ੈрижੀ ри╣ੈ риЕридੇ риКри╣ риЕੱриЦри░ риХੰрикਿриКриЯри░ риЪ риЪри▓ਾ риЬਾрижਾ ри╣ੈ l риЙри╕ рииੇ ри╕риЦрид риоਿри╣рии риХри░риХੇ 280 рикрииਿриЖ рижੀ риХਿридਾрим ри▓ਿриЦੀ риЬਿри╕ рижਾ рииਾриЕ ри╣ੈ ' риоੈ римੋри▓ригਾ риЪਾри╣ридੀ ри╣ੂੰ, риоੈ риШੁриорииਾ риЪਾри╣ридੀ ри╣ੂੰ।
ри╕ੰрии 1454 'риЪ рикੱриЫриоੀ риЬри░риорииੀ 'риЪ риоੁрижри░ਿрид риЧੁриЯੇрии римри░риЧ рижੀ римਾриЗримри▓ рижੀ риЗੱриХ риХਾрикੀ ри▓риИ рииਿриКрипਾри░риХ 'риЪ 1978 'риЪ риЗੱриХ рииਿри▓ਾриоੀ 'риЪ 24 ри▓ੱриЦ рибਾри▓ри░ риЕрижਾ риХੀридੇ риЧриП ри╕рии। рилри░ਾਂри╕ рижੇ риЯੇри▓ਾриЙри╕ ри╕਼ри╣ਿри░ 'риЪ риЗੱриХ риЕриЬਿри╣ੀ риХਿридਾрим рик੍ри░рижри░ри╕਼ਿрид риХੀридੀ риЧриИ, риЬਿри╕ рижੀ ри▓ੰримਾриИ риЪਾри░ риоੀриЯри░ риЕридੇ риЪੌрйЬਾриИ ридਿੰрии риоੀриЯри░ риЕридੇ ринਾри░ риЕੱриа риЯрии ри╕ੀ। риЗри╕ риХਿридਾрим рижੇ ри╣ри░ੇриХ рикੰрииੇ рижਾ ринਾри░ риХри░ੀрим рижੋриХੁриЗੰриЯри▓ ри╣ੈ। риЗри╕ 'риЪ ри╡рикਾри░, риЙрижрипੋриЧ, риХри▓ਾ, рик੍ри░ੈੱри╕ риЖрижਿ рииਾри▓ риЬੁрйЬੇ рик੍ри░ри╕ਿੱриз ри╡ਿриЕриХридੀриЖਂ рижਾ риЬ਼ਿриХри░ ри╣ੈ।
ри╕ੰрии 1744 'риЪ ри╡ਿри╕਼ри╡ рижੀ рикри╣ਿри▓ੀ 'рикри░рилੈриХриЯ римੁੱриХ' рик੍ри░риХਾри╕਼ਿрид риХੀридੀ риЧриИ। риЗри╕ рижੇ ри╣ри░ рикੰрииੇ рииੂੰ риХриИ рикри░ੂрилри░ੀрибри░ਾਂ ри╡ੱри▓ੋਂ ри╕ੈਂриХрйЬੇ ри╡ਾри░ рикрйЬਿриЖ риЧਿриЖ, ридਾਂриХਿ риХਿридੇ риХੋриИ риЧри▓ридੀ рииਾ ри░ри╣ਿ риЬਾри╡ੇ। риЗри╕ 'риЪ риЧри▓ридੀ рижੱри╕риг ри╡ਾри▓ੇ ри▓риИ рик੍ри░ридੀ риЧри▓ридੀ 250 рибਾри▓ри░ рижਾ риЗрииਾрио ри░ੱриЦਿриЖ риЧਿриЖ। ри▓ੋриХਾਂ рииੇ риЗри╕ риЪ 6 риЧри▓ридੀриЖ ри▓ੱринੀриЖ, риЬਿри╕ ри╡ਿриЪੋ риЗੱриХ риЧри▓ридੀ ридਾਂ рикри╣ਿри▓ੇ рикੰрииੇ рижੀ рикри╣ਿри▓ੀ ри▓ਾриЗрии 'риЪ ри╣ੀ ри╕ੀ।
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Help With Children's Homework
Help With Children's Homework
Schooling is the foundation of every child's life. If the foundation is laid properly, the building will be strong and tall. So it is important that you choose the right school for your child. But just choosing a school and enrolling children in it does not fulfill your responsibilities. You have to be a part of your children's schooling. She needs help with homework. The child needs to be taught the virtues of schooling, so that his personality can be fully developed both physically and mentally. Here are some things to look for when selecting yours :
Help children with homework : If you want your child to do well in school, you needs to share in his or her education and daily life. In this way you can teach teach him to do certain household chores in a special way, to teach him to complete his homework with interest. Adopt a positive attitude. Parents should have a positive attitude towards their children's homework. Seek advice from experts on how you can help your child stay ahead of school.
Find tips to help with homework : Try to find out the essentials that your child must follow to complete the homework.
Choose the right place for homework : Find or prepare a place in the house where the child can complete his homework. A place where you can complete your work with your child. So take the following steps :
1. Choose a quiet and stable place. Set aside a time each day when there is no noisy activity, that is no TV, Radio or Sports noise.
2. Choose the right place. Having a desk is good but it is better to do homework from the kitchen table or any corner of the house.
3. Make sure your child's homework area is well -light, whether it's a light or a window.
4. Keep Pencils, Paper, Pens, Erasers in a box.
5. Keep a cupboard for children's books. This cupboard can hold dictionaries, story books, school projects or entertainment books.
6. Decorate the homework space with the children. Have fun with some pictures or artwork with a pencil. You can make the place more special by placing plants or vases instead of homework.
7. Make sure your child rests while doing homework. It also refreshes the mind of he child and will also keep his mind engaged in reading.
8. Do not scold your child while teaching. If he does not understand, explain it lovingly.
Monday, May 24, 2021
The Golden future in Digital Marketing
The Golden future in Digital Marketing
Sunday, May 23, 2021
How Telescopes are made
How Telescopes are made
Friday, May 21, 2021
Indian Air Force
Indian Air Force
How to prepare for the Air Force : Courage and passion are the most important things to become an Air Force Pilot. It is important to be healthy, both mentally and physically. To became a flying officer, two types of examinations are conducted on the basis of qualification, one at graduation level and the other at undergraduate level. Students appearing for the graduate level examinations should seriously study the subjects taught at the graduate or engineering level and undergraduate students should pay special attention to the mathematics and science subjects of class X and XII. Questions related to Reasoning and General Knowledge are also asked during the course, so their preparation is also important. You can also take coaching if you want. Ways to become an Air Force Pilot there are many ways to become a pilot in the Indian Air Force. First through National Defense Academy, Second through Combined Defense Service (CDSE), Third through NCC Special Entry and Fourth through SSC.
Class 12th (PSEB) Economics Lesson -2 (риЖриорижрии риЕридੇ риЙридрикਾриж рижੇ риЪੱриХри░ੀ рик੍ри░ри╡ਾри╣)
риЖриорижрии риЕридੇ риЙридрикਾриж рижੇ риЪੱриХри░ੀ рик੍ри░ри╡ਾри╣
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Increase Networking Power To Get A Good Job
Increase Networking Power To Get A Good Job
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a Wonder of World
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a Wonder of World
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Class 12th (PSEB) Economics ( ри╕риоੱри╕਼риЯੀ - риЕри░риери╕਼ਾри╕ридри░ рижੀ рикри╣ਿриЪਾриг )
ри╕риоੱри╕਼риЯੀ - риЕри░риери╕਼ਾри╕ридри░ рижੀ рикри╣ਿриЪਾриг
Monday, May 17, 2021
ри╡ਿੰрибੋриЬ 'риРриХри╕рикੀ' рижਾ риЗри╣ ри╕਼ਾриирижਾри░ ри╡ਾри▓рикੇрикри░
1. Operating System 2. Utilities
3. Device Drives 4. Language Translators
1. Operating System :
* An Operating system is software which manages computer hardware and software resources. * The operating system in an essential component of the system software in a computer system.
2. Utilities :
* Utilities software is system software which is manufactured to help, analyze, configure, otimize or to maintain a computer.
* It also helps in maintenance and problem solving of a computer.
Common types of utility programs :
* Hardware utilities * Virus- detection and recovery
* file compression Utilities * Spam and pop- up blocker utilities
* Backup * Uninstall
3. Device Drivers :
* Device driver is actually a communication device between device and compution.
* It loads every time in memory.
* When a new device is added the driver should be installed in order to run the program.
Features of system software
* Close to system * Difficult to understand
* Fast in speed * Less interaction
* Difficult to design * Smaller in size
* Difficult to manipulate * Generally written in low level language
2. Application of Software:
* Actually the application software consists of programs that are designed to make users more comfortable or productive to assists personal tasks.
* The application software is present on computer hand disk.
* Application software can also be stored on CDs, DVDs, and flash or keychain devices.
Types of Application Software:
* Proprietary: Proprietary software is a licensed software under exclusive legal right of owner.
* In - House : In in- house software we develop application with the help of company resources.
* Off- the- shelf : An existing software program that can be used without any changes expected.
* Contract : The software which is developed for a specific company for their requirement.
Forms of Application software :
* Package software : A software which is sold in a bundle due to similar function of program. e.x Microsoft office, Windows CD.
* Custom Software : This is software which is specially made for an organization as per their requirement. e.g 1. Attendance System
2. security Code System.
* Web Application : A web application is any application that uses a web browser. e.g Google Docs, Drop Box.
* Open Source Software : Open source software is made available to every one can be change, modify and distribute to public without any notification. e.g Linux, Moodle, WordPress, Drupal.
* Free Ware : Free ware is the software that is freely available to public but author has a copy right means that you can only use it, not sell it. e.g Antivirus.
* Share Ware : Share ware is actually delivered free of charge but sometimes the owner ask for money to get registered so that they can send updates in future. It can be copied but cannot be sold. e.g Dino Numbers, Microsoft Office.
* Public Domain Software : Public domain software is totally free and it is not copyrighted plus it have no restriction. e.g SQ Lite, Blast, 12P.
Categories of Application Software :
* Business Software * Graphic & Multimedia
* Home/ personal/ Education * Communication.
Sunday, May 16, 2021
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риЕриЬ਼ਾриж рикੱридри░риХਾри░ੀ 'риЪ ринри╡ਿੱриЦ
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риШри░ римੈриаੇ - римੈриаੇ рилੋрии ридੇ ри╕ਿਁриЦੋ
ри╢ਾриирижਾри░ рилੋриЯੋриЧਾ੍рилੀ риЯਿрикри╕!
Types of Computer Virus
Types of Computer Virus
Three types of computer virus:
1. Boot Virus
2. Program Virus
3. Micro Virus
Explain Viruses:
1. Boot Virus: Boot viruses infects the boot records of hard disk and floppy disks. Generally these are considered more dangerous than program viruses.
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