Saturday, June 19, 2021

Master of Library Science Book Management

                  Master of Library Science Book Management

Library is a special place for those who love books. The librarian is responsible for the maintenance of this library. Today, books in the library have moved from the bookshelf to computers and the internet and mobile have made it even easier. Now the librarian's job is not just to move books, it has become a high - tech job. Librarian's job is to collect reading material, digitize it, give it a digital look, make the material effective. The purpose is to assist in the proper use of the method and to provide the reader with the right information at the right time. The library is no longer just a place to keep and read books, but has been transformed into a knowledge center. You too can become the creator of this knowledge center.


Librarian Functions :  There are three types of librarian functions :  Providing general services to readers (Such as exchanging books), technical work (Entry of books, listing or indexing) and administrative work ( Enchancing facilities or library related work). Liaise with senior officers and purchase of books etc. for smooth operation. In addition to analyzing the information and ensuring that the reader gets the right books at the right time.

Preparing Records :   Keeping an eye on new books and making them available to readers. Also make sure that the books are returned to the library. Creating a good atmosphere inside the library. These are things that a good librarian can do easily.

What Kind of Positions :   Librarianship as a business provides many employment opportunities. There are different types of people in a library depending on the size. The highest rank is that of librarian or administrator. This is equivalent to the post of professor. This is followed by the posts of Deputy librarian ( equivalent to Reader ), Assistant librarian ( equivalent to lecture ), library Assistant or Technical Assistant. All of them are trained in library and information science. There are many career prospects in this field today. Employment is provided in libraries and information officer, Knowledge Manager/ Officer Information Executive, Director/ Assistant librarian, Information service President, accounting Officer, Deputy Librarians, Scientific Information Officers and Information Specialists.

Possibilities :  Schools, Colleges, Universities, Private educational Institutions have libraries, besides government and private Institutions also have library as well as Reference Department. The proliferation of electronic media has also encouraged the reference department. Corporates are also entertaining their library here. Must libraries now find themselves in the from of video libraries, Cassette CD libraries, computer libraries, cyber libraries, internet libraries, photo libraries, song libraries ( In the from of radio stations or FM Channels ), Slide libraries. This requires trained professionals.

Subject Based Library :  Now a days there is growing trend of opening subject specific libraries for all types of books. Even traditional books are being digitized. with the rise of mobile and computers, publishers are busy digitizing their books. Online libraries are in vogue today.

Academic Libraries :  These types of libraries are found in educational institutions.

Digital Libraries :  A variety of resource centers are being opened today, covering both the public and private sectors.

Online Library :  This type of library is available on the internet, where books can be read both for free and for purchase.

Areas of Employment :  Library Science is a big field in itself. Related courses are being run in all the universities in the country. Employment prospect in the sector are expected to grow further in the near future. Many new domestic and foreign universities are about to open in the country in the future. In such a situation employment opportunities will increase even more. The major employers are libraries of international centers like World Health Organization, UNESCO, United Nations, World Bank, libraries of ministries and other government department, National level Writing Centers, Library Network, Newspaper Libraries, News channels, Radio Stations. Libraries, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Central Government Libraries, Banks Training Centers, National Museums and Archives, NGOs Working in various fields like ICAR, CSIR, DRDO, ICFRE, ICSMR, ICHR, ICMR and Research their is huge potential for Employment in Development Centers a foreign embassies and higher commissions, indexes in information providers, Digital library of India etc. 

Salary :  The starting salary of a library Assistant or Technical Assistant is RS 15,000 to RS 20,000 per month. Appointment librarian in a university or educational institution is well paid.


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