Sunday, May 16, 2021

12वी के बाद करियर विकलप।

 12वी के बाद करियर विकलप।


अगर आप  12वी  कक्षा के छात्र है तो आप के  दिमाग मे भी यह सवाल आता होगा की 12वी के रिजलट के बाद कया करना है ? किस स्ट्रीम मे जाना है । अधिक छात्र 12वी मे ही तय कर लेते है कि उन्हे आगे कया करना है ? 12वी के छात्रो क लिए यह बहुत ही महत्त्वपूर्ण होता है कि वह सही कोरस को चुने क्योकि इस फैसले पर उनका पुरा करियर टिका होता है। अगर वो गलत स्ट्रीम चुन लेते है तो उसका असर उनके भविष्य पर पडता है और उनका समय भी बर्बाद होता है। आइये देखे करियर विकलप ।


 इंजीनियरिंगः 12वी के बाद ज्यादा मांग वाला कोर्स है इंजीनियरिंग। भौतिक विज्ञान, रसायन विज्ञान, हिसाब विष्य के साथ 12वी पास करने वाले छात्र इस कोर्स के लिए आवेदन कर सकते है। वैसे तो भारत के बडे इंजीनियरिंग काॅलेजो मे दाखिला लेने के लिए पर्वेश परीक्षा ली जाती है । इस मे सबसे पर्सिध्द दाखिला परीक्षा ( जे .ई.ई ) है।

मकैनीकल, इलेक्टि्रकल, कंप्यूटर विज्ञान, कुछ पसंदीदा इंजीनियरिंग स्ट्रीमस है। नैनो टेक्नेलाॅजी, टेक्सटाइल, पेट्रोकेमिकल्स कोरस भी इस स्ट्रीम अधीन आते है। 


 मेडिकल विज्ञान :   इंजीनियरिंग के बाद, विज्ञान स्ट्रीम के छात्रो  स्ट्रीमके लिए दूसरा पसंदीदा बदल मेडिकल होता है। अगर आप डाॅकटर बनना चाहते है तो आप को मेडिकल स्ट्रीम ही चुने। आज कल फामेर्सी मे गरेजुएशन मेडिकल छात्रो मे एक बहुत ही पर्सिध्द पढाई है। इस अधीन उने यह सिखया जाता है कि दवा कैसे बनाई जाती है, भौतिक विज्ञान, रसायन विज्ञान, जीव विज्ञान विष्य के साथ पास करने वाले छात्र एमबीबीएस समेत मेडिकल विज्ञान के साथ जुडी अन्य पढाई की चोन कर सकते है। गरेजुएशन के बाद छात्रो के लिए करियर मे अधिक मौके रहे है। 


काॅमर्सः  11वी और 12वी के छात्र जिन्होने काॅमर्स की पढाई की है उनके लिए चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट बहुत अच्छा विष्य है। सरकारी कानूनो के अनुसार कंपनियो के वित्ती मामलो की संपूर्ण जानकारी समेत लेखा परिक्षा रिपोर्ट बनाने के लिए विहारक शिक्षा और लेखा परिक्षा के अधीन करधान, वित्ती लेन-देन आदि विष्यो की जानकारी दी जाती है। बिजनेस मैनेजमेट (बीबीऐ), बीकाॅम, बीकाॅम (एच), अर्थशास्त्र (एच), सीएस, लाॅय, ट्रेवल एंड टुरिज्म आदि मे गरेजुएशन  है। 12वी मे बिना गणित विष्य लिए काॅमर्स की पढाई करने वाले छात्र आगे चल कर कुछ उपलब्ध कोर्सो मे दाखिला लेने के लिए पात्र नही होते।


आर्ट्सः आर्ट्स अधीन अधिक गिनती मे अलग कोर्सो की सहुलत के कारण छात्र अपनी रूची  के अनुसार विष्य चुन सकते है। पिछले कुछ सालो से आर्ट्स पर्ति छात्रो का झुकाव बढा है। मास कम्युनिकेशन, पत्रकारिता, विज्ञापन, इंटीरियर डिजाइनर, गरा्फिक डिजाइनिंग, मनोविज्ञान, समाजशास्त्र, इतिहास, फैशन डिजाइनिंग, फोटोगरा्फी रंगमंच आदि  विष्यो मे आर्ट्स के छात्र किसी भी विष्य की चोन कर सकते है।  


Saturday, May 15, 2021

Types Of Computer To Data Processed.

 Types Of Computer To Data Processed. 

Analog Computer:     This is not a very common computer. It works by measuring data. Examples are thermometers, Speedometer and electric meter. They are used by scientist and engineers. They are used for measuring temperature, speed and current.


Digital Computer :    The definition of a digital computer is the most commonly used type of computer and is used to process information with quantities using digits usually using the binary number system. 

 Hybrid Computer :   It is a digital computer that accepts analog signals and processes them into digital computer. they work like both. analog and digital computers. they work by measuring and also by counting data. It is type used for space exploration, like going to the moon.   



Friday, May 14, 2021

How To Prepare For The Exam ! 👍👍

How To Prepare For The Exam ! 👍👍

As soon as the exam comes, the children get very tense and they think about what to do get higher marks in the exam. And that's why we'll tell you how to prepare for the exam. 
                             whenever you read, read with heart, meaning you are reading, all the attention should be from reading only. Because diligent reading is remembered in a short time and not easily forgotten. Many children have a habit of reading late at night instead of going to bed at 10 o'clock at night and waking up early in the morning that is four or five o'clock because in the morning the mind is instantly refreshed, there is peace that is remembered, if it is memorized by writing on a copy, it is easily remembered. The text should be memorized only after understanding it. One should not lean on anything while reading. This helps you fall asleep faster.

At paper days :  On the day of the paper, do not read anything new, but repeat what you have memorized first. Because reading a new text that day does not help him to remember to remember it properly, but it does affect what he has read before. Books should be dropped two hours before the exam. During this time you let yourself and your brain relax. At that time you either have breakfast or get ready, sing hymns etc. Many children keep reading even 5 minutes before the paper that this topic is left, that is left, it is nothing but tension. Now it's time for your paper, try to reach the examination hall ten minutes before the scheduled time of the paper. Once you have received the paper in its entirety. Those who read the question papers in full are already tensed that I don't know the question, he doesn't know. The question that come to them in this tension. Sometimes they even forget. That's why you should read the question before receiving the paper, if you solve it, then leave it. Continue to solve papers with this task. The most important thing is that we should never imitate. You can pass by copying today, but you will never succeed in the future. So never copy.

After the exam:  He should never discuss with his friend after handing over the paper.

Thank You.                        

Save the Daughter, Teach the Daughter

                          Save the Daughter, Teach the Daughter👩👩

                                                              Daughter hold our for a little while 
                                                                  but hold our hearts forever.

   Today, even in the 21st century, women are not being accorded the same respect as the gurus and saints in the fifteenth century. Women is ahead of man in every field but even today she cannot stand shoulder to shoulder with man. It is very important for both the daughter and the other tree to be in the house, because tree help in sunshine and daughter help in sorrow. In the time of sorrow son turn his face away but the daughter who has been serving her parents all her life stand with their parents. If Raj Kaur's mother had put her in a cage and killed her, then who would have produced a warrior like Maharaja Ranjit Singh. So we should not kill the daughter but teach them to have a better life. So that our daughter can make their country famous.

                            The son is the lamp of the house and the daughter is the light of the lamp,
                            The function of the lamp is to light a lamp without a lamp.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Social Media

In today's age Social media is used in every field. People use social media for work, entertainment, study and development of their country. Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter etc. are social media tools. People stay in touch with each other through social media. Our lives are incomplete without social media. Social media is leading our country towards prosperity. We can use social media at any time. As children in this Corona virus epidemic are using it for their education. The use of social media has not harmed the children in the corona epidemic but they are continuing their online studies. It is true that a lot of fake news is coming through social media but we need to be aware of this. But that doesn't mean social media is bad for us. While millions have lost their jobs due to the corona epidemic they are turning to social media as their livelihood. As a result, millions of people are aware of the use of social media. This allows us to prioritize online shopping and also save our time. 

While there are many advantages to social media, there are also disadvantages. Excessive use of social media has a very bad effect on eyesight. we need to be vigilant so that we do not become the target of hackers who misuse our account after hacking. People are always on social media so they don't spend time with their family. 
We should use social media but after knowing its advantages and disadvantages, we should use social media in such a way that we and our future generation can be improved and they should not have bad thoughts about it.
      Thank you.  

Full Forms

 PDF : Portable Document Format 

 ATM : Automated Teller Machine  

GPS : Global Positioning System

DVD : Digital Versatile Disc

DP : Display Picture

GB : Giga Byte

KB : Kilo Byte

MB : Mega Byte

TB : Tera Byte



Chapter 1 Integers (Exercise 1.1) Class 7th

Q. (1) Following number line shows the temperature in degree Celsius (C) at different places on a particular day.

 (a) Observe this number line and write the temperature of the places marked on it
(b) What is the temperature .difference between the hottest and the coldest places among the above ?
(c) What is the temperature difference between Lahulspiti and Srinagar ?
(d) Can we say temperature of Srinagar and Shimla taken together is less than the temperature at Shimla ? Is it also less than the temperature at Srinagar ?

Ans (a) Lahulspiti = -8 degree Celsius
             Srinagar   = -2 degree Celsius
             Shimla     =  5  degree Celsius
              Ooty        = 14  degree Celsius
             Bengaluru = 22 degree Celsius
      (b)  Temperature difference =  Hottest place - Coldest place
                                                   = Bengaluru   -   Lahulspiti
                                                   =  22 degree Celsius - (-8) degree Celsius
                                                   = 22 degree Celsius + 8 degree Celsius
                                                   =30 degree Celsius  
       (c)  Temperature difference =  Srinagar  - Lahulspiti
                                                   =  -2 degree Celsius - (-8 degree Celsius )
                                                   =  -2 degree Celsius + 8 degree Celsius
                                                   =  6 degree Celsius 
       (d) Temperature of both places = Srinagar + Shimla
                                                         = -2 degree Celsius + 5 degree Celsius
                                                         = 3 degree Celsius 
                 Yes , the temperature of both the places is less than the temperature of Shimla. 
                 No , the temperature of both the places is not less than the temperature of  Srinagar
.                                                                                                                                                                       Q2. In a quiz , positive marks are given for correct answers and negative marks are given for incorrect answers. If jack's scores in five successive rounds were 25, -5, -10, 15, 10, what was his total at the end?
Ans  Jack score marks in rounds were 25, -5,-10, 15, 10
        The total marks at the end = 25 +15 +10 -5 -10
                                                  =  50 -15
                                                  = 35

Q3. At Srinagar temperature was -5 degree Celsius on Monday and then it dropped by 2 degree Celsius on Tuesday. What was the temperature of Srinagar on Tuesday? On Wednesday, it rose by 4 degree Celsius. What was the temperature on this day? 
Ans  Temperature of Tuesday = Temperature on Monday - Temperature dropped 
                                                =  -5 degree Celsius -2 degree Celsius 
                                                = -7 degree Celsius 
        Temperature on Wednesday = Temperature on Tuesday + Temperature rose
                                                     =  -7 degree Celsius + 4 degree Celsius
                                                     =  -3 degree Celsius

Q4. A plane is flying at the height of 5000m above the sea level. At a particular point, it is exactly above a submarine floating 1200m below the sea level. What is the vertical distance between them?

 Ans   Vertical distance between them = Height of plane above the sea + Height of submarine in sea  
                                                             = 5000m + 1200m
                                                             =  6200m

Q5. Mohan deposits rupees 2000 in his bank account and withdraws rupees 1642from it, the next day. If withdrawal of amount from the account is represented by a negative integers, then how will you represent the amount deposited? Find the balance in Mohan's account after the withdrawal.
Ans   The amount deposited is represent by positive integer.
           Balance in Mohan's account = Amount deposited - Amount withdrawn
                                                         = 2000 - 1642
                                                         =  358

Q6. Rita goes 20km towards east from a point A to the point B. From B, she moves 30km towards west along the same road. If the distance toward east is represented by a positive integers then, how will you represent the distance travelled towards west? By which integer will you represent her final position from A?

Ans  The distance travelled toward east west is represent by negative integer.
      Distance travelled from west to A = Distance travelled from A to east - Distance travelled B to west
                                                             = 20 km - 30 km
                                                             =   -10 km

Q7. In a magic square each row, column and diagonals have the same sum. Check which of the following is a magic square?

Ans (i)  Sum of row = 5 -1 -4          Sum of row = - 5 -2 +7              Sum of row= 0+3-3
                                 =  5 - 5                                        =  -7 + 7                                   = 3-3
                                 =  0                                              =  0                                          = 0

 Sum of Column= 5-5+0                 Sum of Column = -1-2+3             Sum of Column = -4+7-3
                              = 0                                                   = 0                                                 = 0

Sum of Diagonal = 5-2-3                Sum of Diagonal = -4-2+0           
                            = 0                                                   = -6
 No, it is not a magic square because one diagonal cannot match.

(ii) Sum of row = 1-10+0              Sum of row = -4-3-2                    Sum of row = -6+4-7
                         = -9                                           = -9                                               = -9

sum of Column = 1-4-6               sum of Column = -10-3+4             Sum of Column = 0-2-7
                          = -9                                              = -9                                                 = -9

Sum of Diagonal = 1-3-7            Sum of diagonal = 0-3-6
                            = -9                                            = -9
Yes, it is a magic square because row, column and diagonals have the same sum.

Q8. Verify a-(-b)= a + b for the following values of a and b.
     (i) a =21,b =18                     
     (ii) a =118,b =125
     (iii) a =75,b =84                    
     (iv) a =28,b =11

Ans (i) a-(-b) =a + b                                   
           = 21-(-18)= 21 + 18
           = 39 = 39  
        (ii) a-(-b) = a + b
          = 118-(-125) = 118 + 125
         = 243  = 243
       (iii) a-(-b) = a + b
            =75-(-84)= 75+84
           = 159  = 159

        (iv) a-(-b) = a + b
           = 28-(-11) = 28 + 11
           = 39    =39 

Q9. use the sign of <,> or = in the box to make the statements true.
(a)      (-8) + (-4)         <   (-8) - (-4)
(b)      (-3) + 7 - (19)     15 - 8 + (-9)
(c)      23 - 41 + 11      >    23 - 41 - 11   


Major Career Options in Marketing

                             Major Career Options in Marketing These days marketing management is very important for industry, business hous...