The story of the Calendar
Form time immemorial, human beings have been in need of a systematic system to keep track of the days, this need gave birth to the calendar. The first calendar were made in Egypt. The Egyptian calendar 12 months in a year and 30 days in a month. five more days were added later to complete the 365 days of the year. Before this man had only the knowledge of months and the names of the days of the months were different, therefore no definite day could be fixed for any work. Therefore, the Egyptian considered it necessary to name the days when designing the calendar so that the days could be fixed for any work.
At that time people considered every seventh day sacred. The Jews also celebrated every seventh day as a religious ritual. The Egyptians created the week by adopting this system. He named the days of the week after the Moon, the Sun and its five planets Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Saturn. The Sunday formed from the Sun, the Moon formed from the Moon, Tuesday originated from Mars and so did the names of the other four days. The English names used today for the days of the week were based on the names of the gods. This was followed by the efforts of Julius Caesar of Rome to revise and develop the calendar. Julius was king of Rome. Smart Julius had a special interest in literature and numerology. So he decided to study the calendar, but this task was not in the hands of Julius alone, so he took his astrologers with him. At that it was known that a year is equal to 365-1/4 days. The Egyptians calendar contained 365 days in the year, but there was no accounting for the remaining 1/4 days. Julius took a new approach to overcoming this error. Julius, like the Egyptians, kept 365 days in a year and every fourth year, which have 366 days, was called a 'Leap year'. By managing the leap year, what was left 1/4 days ago would be completed after four years. They followed the Egyptian system for weeks. One hundred E. Born in the East, Julius Caesar did this important work in 46 E. but unfortunately, two years later, he was murder by his close friend Brutus. This calendar lasted for about 1570 years.
But then the calendar error began to surface. The reason was that Julius had created a calendar based on the fact that it takes 365.25 days for the earth to orbit the sun but the reality is that it takes 365.2422 days for the earth to orbit this sun. The difference was very small, but by the year 1570, the difference was 12 days. An attempt was made in 1522 by Mr. Gregory of Rome to rectify this error. He finally came to the conclusion that the number of centuries that can be divided by 400, if February 29 is included in them, then this error can be corrected. This type of Gregory created a new calendar that is still in use around the world today.
The month of January is named after the Roman God 'Janus'. February Roman festival is inspired by 'Fabua'. March was the god of war of the Romans, and it was named after him. April is derived from the Latin word 'Aperir'. The word May is derived from 'Maima' a Roman goddess. The word June is related to 'Juno' the queen of heaven. The word of July is derived from the name 'Julius Caesar'. The month of August is derived from king 'Augustus' of Rome. September was the seventh name in the old calendar, so it was dropped from the Latin word 'Septum'. October is inspired by the Latin 'Octo'. The word November is derived from 'Novam'. December from the Latin word 'Decem'.
Hopefully the calendar will continue to be modified in the same way and something new will be seen in the future. The inhabitants of Egypt and Rome in particular have made significant contributions to the development and development of the infrastructure of the calendar.
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